As backbone for much of the internet, Level 3 had been a major catalyst for what would become Web 2.0. But its involvement seldom made front page news. Despite being Grand Central Station for the world’s digital traffic, few knew who it was—and worse yet, why it mattered. 

It was time for the company to take responsibility for the revolution it helped ignite. Reminding the world how vital it was while proving it was committed to the cause. With the help of a few friends from the diggeratti, Level 3 was ready to make its case.


Temporary Comprehension is an experiential ambient film exploring the constantly changing, indefinable zeitgeist of digital technology – at the heart of which, Level 3 exists.

Optimistic Chaos 

A brand art film used to inspire and motivate the creative curiosities of Level 3's top minds.

The Red Couch
A branded entertainment property developed, written and produced for Level 3. The extremely talented Joanne Colan of served as host.